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Greenland North East 2011

Die Crew der Grönland-Expedition 2011

Arved Fuchs

Brigitte Ellerbrock

Hartmut Schäfer

Hartmut Schäfer

Achim Karpus

Achim Karpus

Raimer Fuhlendorf

Raimer Fuhlendorf

Volker Wenzel

Volker Wenzel


Bernhard Naber

Bernhard Naber

Ulrich Weih

Ulrich Weih

Beke Tietz

Beke Tietz

Rolf-Dieter Fröhling

Rolf-Dieter Fröhling

Steffen Lembke

Steffen Lembke

John Wonnacott

John Wonnacott

Raimund Koch

Raimund Koch

Matthias Berg

Matthias Berg

Astrid Rampendahl

Astrid Rampendahl

Nils Bjartur Hailer

Nils Bjartur Hailer

Trine Simonsen

Trine Simonsen

Agnès Fournier

Agnès Fournier

Peter Fleischer

Peter Fleischer


Logbook Greenland North East

Location and Expedition-Route

Fuchs started on his expedition from the Museum Harbour in Flensburg. On July 2nd Arved Fuchs set off with his crew on board the “Dagmar Aaen”. Their first destination was Húsavík on Iceland. There the fifth “Ice-Climate-Education” Camp 2011 took place. From the north coast of Iceland, they then headed for the east coast of Greenland.

Greenland North East

Current situation

Arved Fuchs has undertaken two expeditions to the east coast of Greenland in the past – one in 1997/98 and one in the summer of 2006. During the “Arctic Passages” –Tour 1997, the “Dagmar Aaen” spent the winter in Scoresbysund and five years ago Fuchs reached the 74th parallel on the same latitude as the small settlement of Daneborg. In the meantime, the effects here of the changes in climate have become even more visible. In order to get an actual picture of the situation on the east coast, the expedition leader and an international crew will once again sail to the national park north of Scoresbysund and document any visible changes.


Following the fifth youth project “Ice-Climate-Education” in a row, which took place this year once again in Iceland, Fuchs continued on his journey to Greenland. Just how far north will the ship be able to sail before it is stopped by pack ice?

Will it even be possible for the crew to reach the 77th parallel?

A possible destination of this year’s expedition could be Micardbu, where today only a hut, which was built in 1960, stands as a reminder of the historical Norwegian-French-Polar-Expedition, which took place in 1938-39.

Message in a bottle

At the most northerly point of the voyage, Arved Fuchs intends to release a “digital message in a bottle”. With the help of internet, the southerly path taken by the bottle, which is fixed on an iceberg, can be followed. In this way, Fuchs hopes to make people aware – especially considering the oncoming Climate Conference in South Africa.